I hope Marie marries a rich guy, she said.

I hope Megan is successful and can support herself and then falls in love with someone who she wants to share her life with, said my Mom.

I wish I could say that that describes my mom perfectly - but the reality is, that she's such an interesting human that such a statement wouldn't do all the layers of her justice.

My mother is a high school AP Spanish teacher, who's since retired and now translates for the court system. She worked full time, and yet, cooked homemade meals every day, and took care of my grandmother (and continues to do so). She worked full time, and yet, my childhood memories are full of sunshine and laughter and a mom who was always there. (So. ladies reading this who work and also have children and have guilt about going back to work - cut yourself some slack, I promise you they'll turn out OK.)

She's my greatest cheerleader, and yet, she's the one who always tells me what I don't want to hear, but need to.

My mother would always, and continues to move heaven and earth to make sure my brother and I are ok.

But it wasn't just about making sure there was food in our bellies, clothes on our backs, and a roof over our heads - it was about making sure we were kind to people.

It was about making sure we were kind to ourselves.

It was about making sure that we could do whatever we wanted to do - but she urged us to just do it. Don't spend your life talking about it - do it. And do it well. And if you fall, then get back up and try again.

My brother is going to be a doctor.

I'm in show business and a writer and a teacher.

I think she did ok.

And I know we've come this far because of her - so thanks, Mommy! 

Mother's Day is tomorrow, and I keep thinking about the loved ones I know who don't have a good relationship with their mothers - and you know what? That's OK. The relationship of Mother and Child doesn't always thrive in the biological sense.

But perhaps there's a woman in your life who's guided you, and loved you unconditionally, and been that force of unwavering support and strength for you. Perhaps you've never spent time in the womb of the woman who's been your mother -- and you know what, who cares? The beauty from motherhood comes from a love that knows no bounds. And that's what counts.

Mother's Day is tomorrow, and I keep thinking of those I know who've lost their moms. I can't imagine that pain, nor do I pretend to. But if you get the longing and urge to celebrate her, I hope you roll with it. I hope you listen to her favorite music and eat her favorite food and tell the stories about her that made you laugh. I hope you remember that someone loved you very much. I hope you look into the faces of the grandchildren she left behind, and remind them about their Grandma.

For this day is about celebrating our mothers - whether they walk among us or not.

I knew some friends who experienced a miscarriage this year. And I my heart breaks for each and every one of you. Words are most certainly not enough. But I'll say this - just because you aren't holding that angel baby in your arms today, doesn't mean you are not part of that club of motherhood. Tomorrow let yourself cry. Let yourself laugh. Let yourself remember what it felt like to feel your baby in a belly - even if it was only for a moment. Because in that moment, you became a Mom. And that is beautiful. That is something to celebrate. So tomorrow, give yourself permission to do whatever will lift and ease your spirits.

To my friends who are mothers - I see you. I see you taking your kids to the library and the aquarium, and making art projects in your living room. I see you working full time and still being the class mom. I see you working full time and working and going to school full time to make a better life for you and your family. I see how amazing all of your children are turning out - and I see that's because of you. Children aren't born perfect - it takes work and love and sweat and tears to make little humans reach their greatest potential. And not everyone sees the work that goes into motherhood - for it's a lifetime of work and worry that goes often unnoticed.

But I see you.

I see you doing a great job.

Even when you think you're not - you are.

I see you.

And so, I hope all of you have a wonderful day tomorrow.

Celebrate. Enjoy. Rest.

You deserve it. 



The Love of Strangers


Your Planned Parenthood Story